There is a lot of confusion surrounding this particular little gift and how it works. The following is a quick run through of the Special Delivery Box (From here on referred to as SDB.) and the items you can receive from them.
The Special Delivery Box
These boxes are designed to gift you items you need to complete construction projects.
1. The Shovel and Honeybee
The first items these boxes are designed to give out are 2 Shovels for your Storage Cellar and a single Honeybee for your beehive. These are the two items with the highest requirement in the game for the status of the project to change from "in progress" to "completed." You will continue to receive these from your SDBs until your cellar has reached a completed depth of 500 and your beehive has reached a full maximum of 200 bees.
2. Watering Cans, Construction Material, Vehicle Parts
Once your cellar has been dug and your beehive filled, these boxes will shift to handing out a wide variety of construction material (Bricks, Boards, Nails, Bottles, Blankets, Harnesses, even building materials that have been retired such as the La Mason and Greenhouse material). Equally is the chance to receive a watering can. However, if your need for one item or the other becomes drastically unbalanced (Say, you have 20 mystery seedlings needing watered and only a single building project going) your chances for receiving the item you need more of goes up. I suspect that these two items trump the Vehicle Parts based on my own experience, but as I have no solid proof, they have been lumped into this group as well.
3. Everything else
This group is activated if you are not currently working on any projects. The gifts from this group ranges from fuel, arborists, and farm hands to the current Mystery Gift prizes and collection items. If you find you aren't liking anything you are receiving out of these SDBs once you reach this stage, it is best to stock pile them until you have an active project again. This way, they aren't being wasted on junk you don't need or want.
SDBs can be useful gifts from our neighbours, but they are vastly misunderstood. I hope this little guide helps to increase your knowledge and appreciation for these nifty little helpers.
May 16, 2013 at 10:29 PM