A lot of folks have been frustrated with the outcome of the SD Boxes, but what I've learned is to make sure that all of your Buildings/Orchards/Etc are *fully* built and upgraded. Including all vehicles. Then place the item down on your farm that you want items from the SD Box for. Be it a Seedling or beginning an Orchard/etc.
*THEN* open your SD Box. You should receive the item you're looking for. And if you send out requests for specific items and someone sends one to you while you're opening SD Boxes, it'll change the result of your SD Box.
I was on an Orchard building spree and needed 1 more nail. I had gone through SD Boxes and was getting all the materials I needed, until I got to that last nail. Then I started receiving Mystery Box items. Out of frustration I refreshed and saw that one of my neighbors had sent me the nail, so the game had read it as sent and the SD Box contents re-set.
For people still receiving shovels:
Make sure your Cellar is fully built.
Make sure Bee-hive is built and fully filled.
There *is* a small way around it, if you make sure you place the item you want down FIRST.
I was helping my neighbor's farm while he was on vacation and he had an un-finished Cellar and Beehive. He also had a few mystery seedlings.
So what I did was place the seedling on the farm and begin opening SD Boxes. What happens is they start a rotation; 2 Shovels, Bee, Watering Can, 2 Shovels, Bee, Watering Can, etc. -- It will take more SD Boxes to get the item you request because they want you to have everything upgraded first.
When everything is done and you're opening SD Boxes for fun:
You'll receive Collection Items first for uncompleted collections and then Mystery Items.
Friday, December 10, 2010