With the introduction of Orchards farmers can now group their trees into a new type of building that can be harvested for special mystery seeds. Tree Mastery has also been added for those who truly love their trees. Unlike other buildings where you can place items inside, all of the different trees are visible within, so you can make colorful and compact unique displays.

Building Orchards

You’ll get your first Orchard frame for free the first time you play FarmVille after it updates, and will immediately be entered into Placement Mode. You can place the Orchard frame on your farm now, or you can choose to place it in your Gift Box for use later. There are no level restrictions for the Orchard.

The Orchard is a constructable building, so you’ll need a grand total of 30 parts (10 bricks, 10 nails and 10 wooden boards) to finish it. Like other constructable buildings, you can ask your neighbors for these parts by posting to your feed, give parts to your neighbors via the Free Gifts page, or acquire new parts by purchase (with Farm Cash) or through Special Delivery Boxes. If you have some leftover parts in your Gift Box you can also use those.

Once an Orchard is fully complete, you can choose to start building another one by buying an incomplete Orchard frame in the Market (for 1,000 coins) or a fully complete Orchard (30 Farm Cash). You can have as many Orchards as you have farm space for, provided you are building only one at a time.

Making Your Orchards Pretty

Each Orchard can hold up to 20 trees, which you can move into the Orchard simply by clicking on tree, selecting Move, and then clicking on the Orchard you want to move the tree in to. Visually the Orchard will show each of the individual trees you put into it. You cannot directly choose where the trees are placed in the Orchard, but you can choose the order by which they go into the Orchard, and that order determines how the Orchards look visibly.
This means that the look of the Orchard can change wildly depending on the trees you put into it. Orchards can also be lined up and arrayed quite easily, so making large colorful displays is entirely possible.

You can also look inside the Orchard by clicking on it and choosing “Look Inside”. Here you can see all the types of trees currently in the Orchard, and lets you remove trees individually from the Orchard. If you click on “Buy More Trees” you’ll be taken to the Market page for Trees; “Ask for Trees” will make a post in your feed asking for more trees. You’ll also see 3 stars by each type of tree as well as a separate button for Tree Mastery—see that section below for more details!

The Mysterious Seeds

An Orchard is harvestable once every 48 hours. When you harvest it, you’ll gain the total amount of coins each of the trees would normally give during a harvest if they were placed individually on the farm.

Harvesting an Orchard may also give you a Mystery Seed. When this happens you’ll get a notice, and the Mystery Seed will be placed in your Gift Box. The Mystery Seed is a new tree—the exact identity of the type of tree depends on the makeup of the Orchard. For example, if your Orchard has 15 Apricot Trees and 5 Guava Trees, chances are the Orchard will produce an Apricot seedling rather than a Guava seedling. In addition, the Mystery Seed is an upgraded version of tree that produced it. To continue the example used above, if the seedling comes from an Apricot tree then it will produce an Apricot Golden tree (a Level 2 tree). Note that some Level 2 trees may already be available in FarmVille in one form or another, and they do not produce anything better than Level 2 trees (there are no Level 3 trees… yet). That doesn’t mean you can’t have them in your Orchard though!

You won’t know what kind of tree it is until it’s fully grown. In order to grow a Mystery Seed into a tree, you’ll need to first place it on the farm and then water it ten times. You can gift individual Water Cans through the Free Gifts page (and that’s how you can receive them from your neighbors), or you can buy them from the Market for 1 Farm Cash each. To water the sapling, simply click on it and choose the Watering option (if you don’t have any Water Cans, you can use the menu to ask or buy for more).

Once watered ten times, the Mystery Seed will now be fully grown into the new tree. This new tree acts like any other tree—you can harvest it individually, move it, store it, or put it back into the Orchard.

Master Your Trees

Harvesting trees will also now contribute to Tree Mastery! That’s right, you can now Master all of the different Tree types and receive Mastery Signs for them. In this fashion they work just like crop mastery—each time you harvest a tree it leads towards mastery of that tree (whether the tree is on the farm or in an Orchard). You can earn 3 stars for each tree type, which is also reflected in the Tree Mastery Sign (which you’ll earn for getting the third star for that tree). Level 1 and Level 2 trees are both masterable. Once you’ve harvested a tree type enough to get the third star, you’ll see a reward window and the Mastery Sign will show up in your Gift Box.

You can check on how far along your Mastery is in a couple of ways. When you look inside the Orchard you can see how many stars you’ve earned for each tree as well as the progress bar that shows how far you have to go to get the next star. You can see the same level of information by clicking on the revised “Collections” button in the UI menu on the bottom right.

Previously you were able to select from “Collections” or “Ribbons” but now you have a third option for “Masteries”. That will bring you to the new Masteries windows, which visually shows all of your Crop and Tree masteries. This is also the window you’ll see if you click on the “Tree Masteries” button in the Orchard window.

date Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Vehicles in Farmville have are now a whole lot more involved. Zynga has allowed the storage and upgrade of your vehicles, which is great! But many people get confused, this is my interpretation of a guide to vehicles in Farmville.

Introduction to Vehicles

Vehicles create lighter work and reduce the repetitiveness the you have probably suffered with at one point in Farmville. If you have the spare coins, vehicles can be extremely helpful investments. – They say time is money and vehicles definitely do their job at saving you from doing those repetitive tasks.

Once upon a time, Farmville only had a tractor. Now the possibilities are almost endless, you can purchase a tractor, seeder, and a harvester, each having unique properties and can now be upgraded and stored in your garage.

There are currently three forms of vehicles and each has a unique job.

Tractor Properties

A tractor plows the land, four plots at a time. It can be purchased once you reach level 12 and it will cost you 30,000 coins.

The tractor drastically reduces the time it takes to plow the land. Each tractor plow will cost 60 coins, this is simply because each plot costs 15 coins to plow and the tractor is doing 4 plots at a time.

Similarly, you will receive 4xp for each tractor plow. The tractor will consume 4 fuel. However, you will receive enough fuel to plow 150 plots once you purchase your new tractor. – This fuel is actually the same fuel that your other vehicles use, you do not have a unique fuel bar for each vehicle.

Of course, the tractor can plow less than 4 plots at a time in a tricky corner or anywhere by simply clicking where required. The cost, XP, and fuel will increase/decrease as determined by the amount of plots you do.

To use the tractor (must be purchased from the marketplace first) simply click the icon of the tractor in your Farmville tools (bottom-right) and click on the desired plots from your farm.

Seeder Properties

A seeder plants seed of your choice on the land, 4 plots at a time. The seeder speeds up the process of planting seeds on your farm.

Like the tractor, you will receive 150 plots worth of fuel to work with, you will need to be on or above level 14 to purchase the seeder. The seeder will consume 4 fuel for every 4 plots it seeds.
You can use the seeder on less than 4 plots if required for a tricky angle and just like the other vehicles, the cost, fuel, and xp will adjust accordingly.

To use the seeder (must be purchased from the marketplace first) simply click the icon of the seeder in your Farmville tools (bottom-right) and click on the desired plots from your farm.

Harvester Properties

A harvester harvests your ripe crops on your farm, 4 plots at a time. It will cost you 30,000 coins, and can be purchased once you reach level 13.

You can only plow 150 fields and then you will have to purchase or earn more fuel. The harvester greatly reduces the time it takes to harvest the land.

Each harvest will cost 60 coins, this is simply because each plot costs 15 coins to harvest and the harvester is doing 4 plots at a time. Similarly, you will receive 4xp for each harvest. The harvester will consume 4 fuel too.

You can use the harvester on less than 4 plots if required and just like the other vehicles, the cost, fuel, and xp will adjust accordingly.

To use the harvester (must be purchased from the marketplace first) simply click the icon of the harvester in your Farmville tools (bottom-right) and click on the desired plots from your farm.

Introduction to Garages

Garages are a great addition to Farmville, they allow you to store and upgrade your vehicles. This means that you can get those space-taking tractors, seeders, and harvesters of your land space and into your garage.
Building a Garage

To get started with a garage it is not as simple as just buying one, you need to firstly make sure you have reached level 22 in the game. If you are on or above level 22 you can buy the garage frame from the marketplace. This will allow you to click on it and request building materials.

Remember: Zynga only allows you to have one garage on your farm. We have found that one garage is plenty.

A garage frame costs 50,000 coins in the marketplace and this will allow you to get started to building it up. Building a garage is actually very similar to building a Japanese Barn.

You will need to collect a total of 30 items to fully complete your garage – 10 Boards, 10 Bricks, 10 Nails. – Collecting these are simple if you have lots of neighbors and have collected items before!

You can do this by placing your new garage frame on your land, clicking on it and then clicking the “Look Inside” button. This will display all the items that you need to complete your garage.

There are three “normal” ways to collect the required parts.

1. You can sit back and wait for your neighbors to gift you these parts.
2. You can request the items you need more of. – By clicking the “Ask For More” button relating to an item you need your neighbors will get a request to gift you the item.
3. You can buy the required items by clicking on the “Buy” button within your garage.

Your completed garage with be able to store up to 20 vehicles, you can then make upgrades to them.

Upgrading Your Vehicles

To upgrade a vehicle, simply click on your completed garage and then click “Look Inside”. This will allow you to see all the vehicles you have in your garage.

Why upgrade?

An upgrade will actually increase the amount of plots they can plow, this increases the speed that you can harvest your farm.

For example, these are some options for the tractor:

2x2 – This is your standard 4-plot plowing.

3x3 – This will incre

To upgrade your vehicle you will need to get parts. This can be done in two ways.

1. You can click the “Ask For More” button to request parts from your friends.

2. You can click the “Buy” button to quickly buy parts with your farm cash.
Once you have collected the required amount of parts to upgrade you will see an option to choose which vehicle you wish to apply the parts too.

You can upgrade a vehicle up to 4 times, you will need the following number of items to upgrade to the following levels:

Level 1: 2 parts required
Level 2: 5 parts required
Level 3: 10 parts and you must be on/above level 26
Level 4: 15 parts and you must be on/above level 26

The cool thing about upgrading your vehicles often is that every time you upgrade you will have the option to post the news to your feed. The first 10 neighbors to congratulate you will be able to collect an upgrade part for their own vehicles.

You can remember this little tip to save farm cash and waiting for materials for your own farm. – Just check your news feed often to see more and more neighbors giving away upgrades.
- Legally Cheat Your Way To The Top With FarmVille Secrets From Here : http://goo.gl/H8yef

date Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hey Farmers! You can store more than ever with the new Storage Expansion! Please find a quick guide on how this feature works below.

Storage Expansion:

You can now increase the capacity of your Storage Buildings.

Each of your storage buildings can be upgraded twice. The first upgrade will provide you with 5 extra storage and the second upgrade will provide 7 extra storage. The two upgrades will give you 12 extra storage spaces in total.

There are two ways to expand your Storage. The first way to expand storage is to pay Farm Cash. If you wish to purchase the storage upgrade with FarmVille cash (10 FC), you can do so by clicking the “BUY” button.

Alternatively, you can hold a Barn Raising, by clicking the "Expand Storage" button.

After choosing to expand your storage, you will receive a pop-up, like the one below.

clicking the "okay" button will allow you to post a feed to your wall.

After posting your feed, you will have 3 days to have 10 of your friends click on your feed. (Each of your friends can help ONCE per day (24 hours). Up to a total of 3 times (once per day) during the Barn Raising. This means you do not necessarily need 10 unique friends.

When you click on a friends feed asking for Barn Raising, you will receive 100 coins.

If you wish to “give up” on the barn raising, you can click the “GIVE UP” button and the barn raising will cease. Please keep in mind that you can only raise 1 storage item at a time.

If you do not manage to get 10 clicks on your feed in three days, you can purchase the storage upgrade at a discounted price equilavent to the amount of clicks you recieved.

The closer you manage to get to 10 clicks, the cheaper it will be to purchase with Farm Cash.


I'm tired of having to type out the same response 100 times for people who think that their storage is broken and they're wasting their storage space, so I'm answering the question once and for all and every time I see the question answered, I'm linking to this post!

I bought two storage buildings and the same items are stored in both places, how do I fix this bug?

This isn't a bug. A storage building grants you slots of storage for items that you would like to keep, but don't want to display on your farm. Each building is allotted a specific number of slots. It doesn't actually store the items. All of your items are stored in a central virtual location that can be accessed through any of you storage buildings, or through the storage item in the menu bar at the bottom of your farm.

For example, if you have one coin barn (stores 6), and one coin tool shed (stores 2), you have a total of 8 storage slots. If you notice, both of the buildings show your usage out of 8.

I bought a bunch of buildings (or expanded my storage) and the capacity only shows 100, even though it should be more than that, how do I get the right amount?

The current maximum capacity for storage, no matter how many buildings you have or expansions you get is 100. This means that there is no way to get more than 100 slots. Zynga may raise this limit in the future, but for now, that's all she wrote, so there's no reason to spend extra money on more buildings unless you really want them on your farm.

You should receive a warning before you buy more storage than the limit can handle, so if you ignore the warning and spend farm cash, don't blame the developers. You will not receive a warning before you expand your storage (however it is unconfirmed if you receive the warning before spending farm cash to finish your expansion - could someone please verify this for me?).

How many slots does each building hold?

Farm Cash buildings
Barn: 20 slots
Big Barn: 25 slots
Huge Barn: 32 slots

Tool Shed: 15 slots
Big Tool Shed: 20 slots
Huge Tool Shed: 27 slots

Coin buildings
Barn: 6 slots
Big Barn: 11 slots
Huge Barn: 18 slots

Tool Shed: 2 slots
Big Tool Shed: 7 slots
Huge Tool Shed: 14 slots

Legally Cheat Your Way To The Top With FarmVille Secrets From Here : http://goo.gl/H8yef


Farmville Crop Information (12.14.2010)
Crops Costs Harvest XP
Time 1
Level Crop Plowing Seeds Total Gross Net Total
2 hrs. 5 Nachos 15 25 40 50 10 2
2 hrs. 8 Raspberries 15 20 35 46 11 1
2 hrs. * 2 Super Berries 2 15 10 25 100 75 2
4 hrs. 1 Super Pumpkins 15 30 45 100 55 2
4 hrs. 1 Organic Blueberries 15 20 35 80 45 3
4 hrs. 1 Strawberries 15 10 25 35 10 2
4 hrs. 5 Shamrock 15 28 43 68 25 2
4 hrs. 5 Yellow Lentil 15 20 35 80 45 2
4 hrs. 17 Blueberries 15 50 65 91 26 2
4 hrs. 29 Blackberries 15 75 90 117 27 2
4 hrs. 70 Clover 15 325 340 368 28 2
6 hrs. 1 Sweet Yams 15 10 25 125 100 4
6 hrs. 1 White Corn 15 10 25 125 100 4
6 hrs. 1 Sweet Corn 15 10 25 125 100 4
6 hrs. 8 Red Clover 15 50 65 100 35 2
6 hrs. 14 Aloe Vera 15 50 65 85 20 2
6 hrs. 15 Lady Slippers 15 70 85 115 30 2
6 hrs. 26 Ghost Chili 15 80 95 136 41 2
6 hrs. 50 Lemon Balm 15 230 245 290 45 2
8 hrs. 5 Pumpkin 15 30 45 68 23 2
8 hrs. 5 Cupcakes 15 25 40 60 20 2
8 hrs. 15 Daikon 15 65 80 133 53 2
8 hrs. 20 Tomatoes 15 100 115 173 58 2
8 hrs. 22 Forbidden Rice 15 300 315 400 85 2
8 hrs. 23 Triticale 15 60 75 130 55 2
8 hrs. 25 Golden Poppies 15 120 135 200 65 3
8 hrs. 30 Lotus 15 160 175 250 75 3
8 hrs. 31 Sugar Cane 15 165 180 235 55 2
8 hrs. 38 Purple Poppies 15 200 215 238 23 2
8 hrs. 53 Oats 15 225 240 310 70 2
8 hrs. 63 Carnival Squash 15 355 370 435 65 2
10 hrs. 4 Tomatillos 15 20 35 120 85 2
10 hrs. 4 Lilac 15 35 50 75 25 2
10 hrs. 10 Cranberries 15 55 70 98 28 1
10 hrs. 28 Green Tea 15 105 120 191 71 2
10 hrs. 29 Alpine Roses 15 145 160 250 90 2
10 hrs. 36 Acorn Squash 15 190 205 258 53 2
10 hrs. 48 Basil 15 300 315 400 85 2
10 hrs. 64 Saffron 15 365 380 450 70 2
12 hrs. 1 Wheat 15 13 28 61 23 2
12 hrs. 7 Rice 15 45 60 96 36 2
12 hrs. 12 Sugar Beets 15 65 80 140 60 2
12 hrs. 13 Morning Glory 15 60 75 123 48 2
12 hrs. 22 Carrots 15 110 125 200 75 2
12 hrs. 29 White Grapes 15 245 260 360 100 3
12 hrs. 34 Onion 15 170 185 268 83 2
12 hrs. 39 Elderberry 15 195 210 270 60 3
12 hrs. 54 Posole Corn 15 280 295 370 75 3
12 hrs. 57 Heirloom Carrot 15 110 125 210 85 2
14 hrs. 6 Swiss Chard 15 35 50 100 50 3
14 hrs. 6 Spinach 15 35 50 95 45 3
16 hrs. 1 Goji Berry 15 20 35 78 43 2
16 hrs. 1 Peanuts 15 20 35 78 43 2
16 hrs. 7 Flamingo Flower 15 35 50 200 150 2
16 hrs. 11 Rhubarb 15 65 80 150 70 2
16 hrs. 13 Nopales 15 80 95 200 105 2
16 hrs. 15 Green Hellbores 15 75 90 174 84 3
16 hrs. 16 Pattypan Squash 15 65 80 160 80 2
16 hrs. 23 Coffee 15 120 135 243 108 2
16 hrs. 27 Agave 15 120 135 240 105 2
16 hrs. 31 Daylilies 15 150 165 300 135 3
16 hrs. 35 Fire & Ice Roses 15 150 165 350 185 4
16 hrs. 37 Asparagus 15 220 235 357 122 3
16 hrs. 42 Wasabi 15 200 215 330 115 3
16 hrs. 60 Bamboo 15 420 435 550 115 3
16 hrs. 76 Amaranth 15 220 235 250 15 3
18 hrs. 23 Pink Hibiscus 15 140 155 310 155 3
18 hrs. 27 Zucchini 15 120 135 220 85 3
18 hrs. 39 Hollyhocks 15 210 225 350 125 3
18 hrs. 90 Forget Me Not 15 725 740 900 160 3
20 hrs. 10 Chickpea 15 80 95 210 105 3
20 hrs. 21 Rye 15 140 155 290 145 3
22 hrs. 42 Ginger 15 170 185 320 135 3
1 day 1 Sweet Potato 15 10 25 125 100 4
1 day 1 Pink Carnation 15 11 26 111 85 4
1 day 1 Soybeans 15 15 30 63 33 3
1 day 5 Poinsettia 15 45 60 126 66 3
1 day 12 Peppers 15 70 85 162 77 3
1 day 15 Red Tulips 15 75 90 175 85 3
1 day 19 Grapes 15 85 100 270 170 3
1 day 24 Rappi 15 140 155 300 145 3
1 day 25 Sunflowers 15 135 150 315 165 3
1 day 30 Green Roses 15 155 170 343 173 4
1 day 32 Peas 15 190 205 381 176 4
1 day 35 Lilies 15 195 210 369 159 3
1 day 40 Purple Pod Peas 15 210 225 300 75 4
1 day 43 Cucumber 15 290 305 450 145 3
1 day 45 Iris 15 400 415 520 105 3
1 day 50 Edelweiss 15 400 415 600 185 3
1 day 80 White Roses 15 620 635 777 142 4
2 days 1 Eggplant 15 25 40 88 48 3
2 days 4 Squash 15 40 55 121 66 3
2 days 8 Daffodils 15 60 75 135 60 3
2 days 11 Bell Peppers 15 75 90 198 108 3
2 days 15 Pineapples 15 95 110 242 132 3
2 days 20 Pink Roses 15 120 135 254 119 3
2 days 27 Cabbage 15 140 155 388 233 3
2 days 30 Lavender 15 160 175 284 109 3
2 days 35 Broccoli 15 200 215 473 258 5
2 days 35 Yellow Roses 15 20 35 200 165 4
3 days 9 Cotton 15 75 90 207 117 3
3 days 21 Potatoes 15 135 150 345 195 3
3 days 24 Corn 15 150 165 380 215 3
3 days 30 Red Wheat 15 180 195 449 254 3
4 days 6 Artichokes 15 70 85 204 119 3
4 days 18 Watermelon 15 130 145 348 203 3
4 days 33 Yellow Melon 15 205 220 528 308 3

TOP 10 Farmville CROPS Profits

1. Asparagus – 183 coins every 24 hours
2. Peas – 176 coins every 24 hours
3. Tomatoes – 174 coins every 24 hours
4. Green Tea – 170.4 coins every 24 hours
5. Grapes – 170 coins every 24 hours
6. Onion – 166 coins every 24 hours
7. Sunflowers – 165 coins every 24 hours
8. Sugar Cane – 165 coins every 24 hours
9. Ghost Chili – 164 coins every 24 hours
10. Coffee/Blackberries – 162 coins every 24 hours

The best XP gained crops are Raspberries, Strawberries, Blueberries, BlackBerries, 12 XP per day if u can follow the harvest schedule. The No.1 crop with great profit and XP here recommend is Blackberries, 12 XP and 162 coins per day(harvest 6 times every 24 hours). We need rest so the best choice is Tomatoes, 6 XP and 174 coins per day(harvest 3 times every 24 hours).

==>> Have You Seen FarmVille Secrets Yet? 
           download From Here : http://goo.gl/H8yef


Never Pay for Farm Cash

So, this bot can automatically:
- Plant crops
- Harvest Crops
- Plow
- Harvest Trees
- Help Neighbors
- Harvest Buildings
- Harvest Animals

Bot functionality can be extended through plug-ins

To install a plug-in, unpack the plug-in archive into the FarmVilleBot\plugins folder. If there are readme.txt and/or install.txt files in the archive read them attentively before installing the plug-in.

To remove the plug-in, delete its folder located in FarmVilleBot\plugins.

Unlike the rest of bots, this one operates not by clicks, but by sending requests to the game server. It is a more reliable method.

Do the following to start the bot:

1. If your default browser is different from Internet Explorer, open Internet Explorer and log in at http://facebook.com selecting the "Remember Me" checkbox.
2. Close Internet Explorer.
3. Run the "farmvillebot" program.
4. Wait till the farm is loaded.
5. Open the "Settings" tab. Specify the necessary settings (see the detailed description of the settings below).

That’s all. The bot is ready to work instead of you. You can minimize the program and get down to your business.

The main window of the program is minimized into the tray. You can maximize it with a double click on the tray icon.

The bot informs you about what it does using popup messages in the lower-right corner of the screen. Also, all actions are displayed on the main tab of the program in the list on the right.

You can see your current experience points and experienced points gained by the bot at the bottom of the program window.

While the bot is working on the farm (its status is "Working farm"), you may not do anything on the farm manually.

"Main" tab

"Advanced Settings" tab

"Main" tab

The page with the farm is in the middle of it. The event log is to the right. There are two types of logs: regular and detailed. The detailed one shows all actions performed within the current work cycle.

"Close flash game" button - Closes a browser with game, releasing memory. The bot will continue to work.

"Advanced Settings" tab

"Refresh the farm" checkbox – if the checkbox is selected, the bot will refresh the page with the farm after each work cycle.

"Show popup messages" – if the checkbox is selected, the bot will show popup messages informing you about actions performed on the farm when it is minimized.

"Current status" – it shows you the current bot status.

"Next start" – it shows the time left till the bot is started next time.

"Active last time" – it shows the time since the bot was active last time.

"Forced restart" – it shows the time till the forced restart of the bot in case of any problems.

"Interval" option – this option defines the interval in seconds between starting the bot.

"Force the program restart" option – this option defines the time without activity (in seconds) the bot will be restarted after (a broken connection, freezing, other problems). It is necessary for the bot to run more reliably .

date Sunday, December 12, 2010

Are You Ready For That "Wow" Factor On Your FarmVille Farm?
let me ask you a question: do you have a boring FarmVille farm?

If so, don't worry. I was once like you too. I farmed away, leveled up, and tried to earn as much FarmVille cash and coins as I possibly could, hoping that one day I would be able to buy those 3D looks that other farmers had. But, level after level, nothing ever opened up that I could by to create any type of 3D look on my farm.

It almost seemed like other players were taunting me with it too. I would notice that neighbors suddenly had those awesome looks on their FarmVille farms that made it look like they had rivers or lakes, rolling hills of beautiful crops, even pyramids on their farms. I was so jealous.

I would constantly ask them for their secrets - I just had to know.

Yet no one would talk. It seemed that they were part of some elite club that I just couldn't break into. Oh I desperately wanted these secrets. I wanted those looks for myself.

Finally, one of my friends finally told me about the Beginner's Guide To Creating 3D Looks In FarmVille. She told me how she had used this guide to create the awesome farm that she now had. She gushed about how great this guide was, and how she could literally build anything now that she knew the secrets. She told me where to find it online, and I assumed that she was in it for the money, so I was really skeptical.

One evening, I finally got frustrated enough to check it out when I noticed that a neighbor who was 20 levels below me had these 3D looks! That's it, I said, I'm getting that guide.

I went to the link she had given me and bought the guide right then. I figured that even if I learned a little bit it would be well worth it. What I got instead was a wealth of secrets that I never realized existed! I suddenly knew all of these great 3D secrets to FarmVille too and there was no stopping me!

I sat up for hours, building and rebuilding every template that the guide held. I was just so amazed and enthralled at the amount of information in this guide. And, to top it off, it is such a simple guide to use that anyone can do these looks. Everything has a step-by-step screen shot walkthrough that you cannot mess up - trust me, I tried!

So don't wait any longer. Go over and get your 3D FarmVille guide right now so that you too can be enjoying the fruits of a beautiful farm!

Click Here !


date Saturday, December 11, 2010

So i got this feature and i must say i like it . It is much simpler and convenient then i had expected . So don't worry everyone .None of your farms will be compromised .

1. When you go to someone's farm you will get 3 buttons . One showing the chore numbers u have left , One button for feeding the chickens , One to send them a special gift.Something that suppose they need on their farm ( materials for different buildings , bees etc . You can plow , fertilize unwhither, harvest trees and animals Clicking on the "Feed Chickens " button will auto feed the chickens without having to press the actual coop .

This is how they look

2. Harvesting an animal is done by one click like on the same farm . The amount of coins you get is the normal one you get from that animal . Here is an example with a cat .

3. When neighbors come to your farm and do all these tasks , you see their avatar on your farm and you have an option, to accept or dismiss them . What they do is highlighted in blue.

Hope this helps everyone !! For More Secrets Please Click Here !


If you're having trouble getting a hang of the way of things in FarmVille, you're not alone. I know of quite a few people who got into the game expecting it to be easy as pie and were quickly frustrated. In fact, I was one of them. So I went looking for a guide to help me master the farming life.

I actually tried quite a few of these guides, but not many of them had much helpful information to give. They were either designed for people who'd gotten all the way to the upper levels already, or they were severely outdated because of additions made to the game since they were released. FarmVille is a relatively new game and is still in the Beta stage, so a lot of improvements have been made to it in a short time and many of the guides on the market have not been updated to account for these changes.

So I finally broke down and bought FarmVille Champ. This guide has been released pretty recently, so it's up to date on all of the latest advances in the game. I found it to be immensely helpful to me, and I was quickly raking in the coins and moving up in levels like you wouldn't believe.

In addition to the helpful tips, FarmVille Champ also includes some handy charts and other resources that help you to compare items available in the Market and also helps you to plan out your spending and improvement strategies. I think you'll be as pleasantly surprised as I was when you read this guide and put the tips in it to use on your farm. I started to see results overnight almost. It's definitely a guide worth checking out if you're having trouble getting the hang of FarmVille, or if you just want to give your game an extra boost. Either way, you'll be happy you tried it.


 I consider myself to be relatively well educated in the latest generation of social networking site games like Mafia Wars, Vampire Wars, and such.
That's why when I started to see these FarmVille guides popping up all over the place I was kind of surprised. I mean, I can see why people might need some tips to get going in games like Mafia Wars, but FarmVille?

At this point though I hadn't actually played the game, but I didn't really think it could be all that complicated. I figured I should give it a shot though, just so that I could say I knew what I was talking about. And I was in for a rather big surprise. In no time, I was out of money and had no crops to plant. I have to admit, there way more to this game than I had anticipated.

I eventually managed to dig myself out of my original hole and out of the red, but I still wasn't making all that much progress. I started to think that maybe I needed to see what these guides were all about. I wasn't really expecting much, but since I hadn't done so well on my own either, I figured it was worth a shot.

So I picked up a guide called FarmVille Champ , and was pleasantly surprised by the tips I found in it. You wouldn't think there were so many ways you could screw up a virtual farm, but believe me, you can. I was still stumbling along at level 6 when I got the guide after 2 weeks of playing regularly. Now I'm the proud owner of a plantation and a level 26 Sultan of Soil. And I still look back at my guide from time to time. If you're having trouble getting into the swing of things in FarmVille, this guide is not a bad investment.


Are you still scrabbling around, trying to get enough coins to pay for your next set of crops? What’s that about? It’s a waste of time and you know it.

You must have seen FarmVille Secret by now. If not, get on over to the website while you can and see what they’re doing to revolutionize how this game is played.

Click Here!

Now that you’ve seen it, you have to know that the only way to stand out – to be one of the truly great Facebook Farmers is to get with the movement and pick up this one of a kind guide before you’re too far behind.

What does it do?

A better question is what doesn’t it do. This thing will change you how play the game forever by showing which crops to plant, how to plan them, how to maximize your income and experience, how to get more FarmVille Cash, how to get better neighbors and so much more.

Everything you think might be doing wrong now, you probably are. Let FarmVille Secrets show you what you can do to change it and jump to the top of the lists in next to no time flat.

This is it – if you don’t act now, you’re going to be way, waaaay behind the curve before you know it. Get in on this before FarmVille becomes the next Mafia Wars.

Click Here!


date Friday, December 10, 2010

The Winter Limited Edition Theme continues, bringing tides of winter to your holiday wonderland with items like the Holiday Manor, Glacier Waterfall, and Polar Bear Snow Globe! Visit the Official FarmVille Youtube Channel to view the wintry wonders in motion.


There are a few different ways to get cash for the game of FarmVille. This is a game played on Facebook in which you grow crops and raise animals. You can use the cash to buy more crops and buy animals for your farm. The more you do the more money you earn. This does usually take a lot of time to build up and it requires a lot of play time. Here are some tips on how to get FarmVille cash.

If you are a bit impatient then you may buy the money to use in this game. You can buy Farm coins or cash. The prices start at five dollars and go up to fifty dollars. If you are under the age of 18 then you should ask your parents' permission before attempting to buy any of the cash used for this game. If this is not an option for you then you will need to earn your cash the old fashioned way: work for it.

Each time you go up a level you get cash. Also each time you sell crops or milk and eggs from your farm animals you will get cash. You get different amount for different things and experience is the best way to find out which ones work best for you. There is a tutorial to help you get started but from there you may have to find out as you play.

Of course there are plenty of things to spend the cash on as well. Even plowing your field will cost you a few coins. You can also buy a lot of different things for your farm. There are gifts to send to friends and animals to buy. They also have tools and buildings you can buy with your cash and many other things as well.

Finding friends in FarmVille can help you out in more ways than one. You will get experience points for each friend you find. Not only that but they can help you tend to your farm when you are not online. This can be a great help at times.

FarmVille is only one of the many games available on Facebook. They also faster paced games that you can play instantly. Most of the games require a bit of time though. They encourage you to check your games daily for changes and to see what needs to be done next. These are a great way to pass the time if you are board and may become addictive.

Become Your Farmville Neighbors Envy Now. Check out how to get to the highest level available making lot of FarmVille money all the way here ==>> http://goo.gl/H8yef


As an advanced player (level 88), I decided to try to compile a list of all the different ways to get fuel for your vehicles. If I have missed any, please add it as a comment or let me know so I can add it to this first post.

(in no particular order)

-crafting buildings (buying crafts from neighbors)
-toolbar (clicking on button every 8 hours)
-completing collection
-gaining a new level in Mafia Wars
-opening various mystery items (gifts, eggs, etc)
-neighbors buying bushels
-logging in to farm using mobile app
-purchasing in market
-Daily emails from Zynga.
-mystery eggs also give fuel


Seeing the eternal endless questions about co-op farming, I thought I’d make a guide for linking references. Please remember before bashing the 847th person to ask a question: Many people here are “New to the Forums” and possibly new to a discussion board. Please just send them here for the all-in-one guide to Co-Op Farming


What is Co-Op Farming?
Co-op farming is a process of working with neighbors and friends to collectively harvest a large number of a crop in a limited amount of time. This is meant for you and at least 2 friends (preferably more) to complete together. It is another social interaction aspect of the game.

How do I co-op Farm?
Co-op farming is unlocked at level 20. Once you reach that level, the red-shovel will move under the multi-tool button, and a new button will appear in its place.


You can click this to get a brief tutorial. Once you click okay, you will not get the tutorial again. When you click the button again, you will get a screen showing your potential jobs.
this picture shows your options for starting a co-op. You will also see co-ops in progress that you can join from your friends. Simply click the “Join” button to join a co-op in progress, or click “Start” to start one of your own.

After you join or start a co-op, you will receive a notification to invite your friends to the co-op. This will publish an item to your wall. Your friends will have to go through the above process before they join the co-op. Once you begin/start a co-op, all you need to do is plant AND harvest a crop (planting before joining/starting a co-op will not count).

As you plant and harvest, you will see a progress bar.

This will fill up as you seed/harvest up to the total needed. (it will pop-up above the neighbor bar) The bar that counts is the harvest bar. You will see no change in the “percentage complete” until the co-op is harvesting. You can check your progress at any time by clicking the co-op button during the co-op
 Upon completing the required number of harvests, you will be awarded a medal. In the top right of the above picture, you will see how long you have to finish your co-op within each medal bracket. As a general rule, you have the exact time of 2 harvests for gold, 3 for silver, and 4 for bronze.

If you complete the co-op harvesting before the bronze time expires, you have successfully completed the co-op. If you do not meet the correct harvest total, you will fail and need to start again.

Beating the co-op within the Gold Timeframe will earn you a special prize.
Current jobs, prizes, and times are as follows: (thanks to Puppetfish, from whom I stole the below)

Pumpkin Pie O'Plenty

Pumpkins take 8 hours to grow and you must have a total of 1400 harvested.
Reward for the Gold is the Cafe Statue.

To get the...

Gold - complete your total harvest in 16 hours
Silver - Complete your total harvest in 1 day
Bronze - Complete your total harvest in 1 day, 12 hours

Town Greening

Morning Glories take 12 hours to grow and you must have a total of 1450 harvested.
Reward for the Gold is the FV Monument.

To get the...

Gold - Complete your total harvest in 1 day
Silver - Complete your total harvest in 1 day, 12 hours
Bronze - Complete your total harvest in 2 days, 6 hours

A Pack of Pickled Patty Pans

Patty Pan Squash takes 16 hours to grow and you must have a total of 1500 harvested.
Reward for the Gold is the Mail Truck.

To get the...

Gold - Complete your total harvest in 1 day, 7 hours
Silver - Complete your total harvest in 2 days
Bronze - Complete your total harvest in 3 days

Fashion Bug

Grapes take 1 day to grow and you must have a total of 1275 harvested.
Reward for the Gold is the Grape Sheep.

To get the...

Gold - Complete your total harvest in 2 days
Silver - Complete your total harvest in 3 days
Bronze - Complete your total harvest in 4 days

Stirring Things Up

Rice takes 12 hours to grow and you must have a total of 750 harvested.
Peppers take 1 day to grow and you must have a total of 500 harvested.
Soy Beans take 1 day to grow and you must have a total of 500 harvested.
Reward for the Gold is the Mini Pagoda

To get the...

Gold - Complete your total harvests in 2 days
Silver - Complete your total harvests in 3 days
Bronze - Complete your total harvests in 4 days

Frantic for Flowers

Red Tulips take 1 day to grow and you must have a total of 1500 harvested.
Reward for the Gold is the Wedding Gazebo

To get the...

Gold - Complete your total harvest in 2 days
Silver - Complete your total harvest in 3 days
Bronze - Complete your total harvest in 4 days

You must stay in the co-op until it is completed to receive the award. You are allowed to plant other crops if you are just waiting on others to harvest, but remember that you cannot join another co-op until this one is completed.

When finishing, one person will be labeled the MVP. This person is the one who has harvested the most of the needed crop. There is no benefit to this except one of the below ribbons.

There are 3 ribbons for completing co-ops:

Employee of the Month Obtained by completing a co-op at the gold level

Gold: 5
White: 25
Red: 50
Blue: 100

Fabulous Foreman Obtained by starting a co-op that completes at a gold level

Gold: 1
White: 5
Red: 10
Blue: 20

Best of the Rest Obtained by being the MVP of a completed co-op

Gold: 1
White: 10
Red: 20
Blue: 40


With the Nursery Barn expansions, I thought I'd provide an updated chart of all the different foals and calves showing what they grow up into.

Updated 10/6/2010

Hover your mouse over each animal in your nursery to see what it will become when it grows up!

Do NOT put in any foals or calves that you really love as they might grow up into an animal you already have and be lost forever.


Angora Rabbit
Appaloosa Foal
Arapawa Goat
Baby Elephant
Baby Tiger
Baby Turkey
Baby White Tiger
Bear Cub
Belted Calf
Belted Cow
Big Horn Sheep
Black Cat
Black Chicken
Black Foal
Black Horse
Black Pony
Black Pig
Black Sheep
Black Stallion
Black Stallion Foal
Black Yak
Blue Pony Foal
Boer Goat
Breton Foal
Breton Horse
Brown Calf
Brown Chicken
Brown Cow
Brown Foal
Brown Goose
Brown Pony
Caiman Lizard
Chicken Cheer
Chicken Joy
Chocolate Calf
Chocolate Cow
Circus Elephant
Clumsy Reindeer
Clydesdale Foal
Cornish Chicken
Cream Draft Foal
Cream Draft Horse
Desert Tortoise
Dutch Rabbit
Emperor Penguin
Fan Calf
Fan Cow
Farm Goose
Female Mandarin
Giant Panda
Gila Monster
Golden Chicken
Grape Sheep
Gray Horse
Gray Rabbit
Green Calf
Green Mallard
Grey Foal
Grey Goose
Grey Tabby
Groovy Calf
Groovy Cow
Groovy Goat
Haflinger Foal
Hampshire Lamb
High Kick Horse
Holstein Calf
Holstein Cow
Horse Spectator
Hot Pink Pig
Hula Pig
Indian Elephant
Indian Yak
Invisible Cat
Island Pig
Kelly Green Calf
Kelly Green Cow
Kick Ewe
Light Blue Pony
Line Quacker I
Line Quacker II
Long Eared Rabbit
Longhorn Calf
Longhorn Cow
Lop-Eared Bunny
Luv Ewe
Male Ostrich
Male Mandarin
Monal Bird
Mouflon Sheep
Mustang Foal
Neapolitan Calf
Neapolitan Cow
Orange Tabby
Ossabaw Pig
Peeper Frog
Percheron Foal
Percheron Horse
Pink Calf
Pink Cow
Pink-Hair Pony
Pink Patch Calf
Pink Patch Cow
Pink Pony Foal
Pinto Foal
Polar Bear Cub
Pinto Horse
Pony Foal
Pot Belly Pig
Prairie Dog
Purple Frog
Purple Mane Pony
Purple Pony Foal
Pygmy Goat
Referee Cow
Referee Cow (Yellow)
Red Panda
Rhode Island Red
Road Runner
Saanens Goat
Saddleback Pig
Scots Grey
Shamrock Sheep
Sheep Spectator
Silver Pony
Silver Pony Foal
Snow Leopard
Spaghetti Sheep
Sunny Ewe
Toggenburg Goat
Treasure Seagull
Tuscan Calf
Tuscan Cow
Ugly Duckling
Valley Quail
White Foal
White Kitty
White Peacock
White Stallion
Wild Turkey
Wolf Cub

there are all the animals in farmville that has been released so far.


A lot of folks have been frustrated with the outcome of the SD Boxes, but what I've learned is to make sure that all of your Buildings/Orchards/Etc are *fully* built and upgraded. Including all vehicles. Then place the item down on your farm that you want items from the SD Box for. Be it a Seedling or beginning an Orchard/etc.

*THEN* open your SD Box. You should receive the item you're looking for. And if you send out requests for specific items and someone sends one to you while you're opening SD Boxes, it'll change the result of your SD Box.


I was on an Orchard building spree and needed 1 more nail. I had gone through SD Boxes and was getting all the materials I needed, until I got to that last nail. Then I started receiving Mystery Box items. Out of frustration I refreshed and saw that one of my neighbors had sent me the nail, so the game had read it as sent and the SD Box contents re-set.

For people still receiving shovels:

Make sure your Cellar is fully built.


Make sure Bee-hive is built and fully filled.

There *is* a small way around it, if you make sure you place the item you want down FIRST.


I was helping my neighbor's farm while he was on vacation and he had an un-finished Cellar and Beehive. He also had a few mystery seedlings.

So what I did was place the seedling on the farm and begin opening SD Boxes. What happens is they start a rotation; 2 Shovels, Bee, Watering Can, 2 Shovels, Bee, Watering Can, etc. -- It will take more SD Boxes to get the item you request because they want you to have everything upgraded first.

When everything is done and you're opening SD Boxes for fun:

You'll receive Collection Items first for uncompleted collections and then Mystery Items.


Finding and adding neighbors is one of the fastest ways to level up in Farmville. You need 50 friends to obtain the Local Celebrity blue ribbon which gives you 10,000 coin and 100xp. However, having plenty of Farmville neighbors has many other advantages as well. The more neighbors you have the more gifts you can receive, the more you will benefit by getting a bonus when they receive awards, and the more opportunities you will have to help your neighbors toward the Good Samartian ribbons. Plus, having friends in the game is just fun!

Unfortunately, adding people you don't know in Facebook also exposes your personal information, your profile, and your status updates. It wouldn't be very difficult for someone to pretend to play the game, get added as your friend, and steal all of your personal information and invade your privacy.

You should strongly consider following my 10 easy steps for protecting your Facebook profile before you add a single person you don't know:

1. From your Facebook main page, click on the "Account" button in the upper right-hand side of the page and select "Edit Friends" in the dropdown box.
2. Select the "+Create" link on the bottom left-hand side of the page below Lists. If you don't see the "+Create" link, click on the "All Connections" link on the upper left-hand side and you will see a link for "Create New List" in the upper-middle area. If neither of these work for you, go here for more directions on how to create a list.
3. You should see a new window. Title your new list, "Farmville friends", "Farmville neighbors" or whatever you want to call it. Select "Create List".
4. After you have created your new list, click on the "Account" button again in the upper right-hand side of the page and select the dropdown for "Privacy Settings".
5. Now you should see the Privacy Settings page. Select "Profile Information".
6. Select the dropdown box for each option and select "Custom".
7. Once you have selected "Custom" you should see a new window. At the bottom it should read, "Hide this from". In the box in this window type the name of the list you created in Step 3 and select the list.
8. Repeat this process for every option on the page EXCEPT "Posts by Me" or your Farmville neighbors will not be able to see your updates when you share your awards, ribbons, lost animals, etc.
9. Once you have customized every option on the Profile Information page, click "Back to Privacy" on the upper left-hand side to return to the Privacy Settings page.
10. Now select the link for "Contact Information" and repeat steps 6-8 for every option on the Contact Information page.

Congratulations, you are finished! Very Important: Whenever you add a new friend for Farmville before you confirm them, select the "Add To List..." dropdown and select the name of your list (chosen in Step 3). You must put them on this list for this to work!

If you want to test and make sure it works, click on the "Preview My Profile..." link on the upper right-hand side of the Privacy Settings>Profile Information or Contact Information pages.



There is a lot of confusion surrounding this particular little gift and how it works. The following is a quick run through of the Special Delivery Box (From here on referred to as SDB.) and the items you can receive from them.
The Special Delivery Box

These boxes are designed to gift you items you need to complete construction projects.

1. The Shovel and Honeybee
The first items these boxes are designed to give out are 2 Shovels for your Storage Cellar and a single Honeybee for your beehive. These are the two items with the highest requirement in the game for the status of the project to change from "in progress" to "completed." You will continue to receive these from your SDBs until your cellar has reached a completed depth of 500 and your beehive has reached a full maximum of 200 bees.

2. Watering Cans, Construction Material, Vehicle Parts
Once your cellar has been dug and your beehive filled, these boxes will shift to handing out a wide variety of construction material (Bricks, Boards, Nails, Bottles, Blankets, Harnesses, even building materials that have been retired such as the La Mason and Greenhouse material). Equally is the chance to receive a watering can. However, if your need for one item or the other becomes drastically unbalanced (Say, you have 20 mystery seedlings needing watered and only a single building project going) your chances for receiving the item you need more of goes up. I suspect that these two items trump the Vehicle Parts based on my own experience, but as I have no solid proof, they have been lumped into this group as well.

3. Everything else
This group is activated if you are not currently working on any projects. The gifts from this group ranges from fuel, arborists, and farm hands to the current Mystery Gift prizes and collection items. If you find you aren't liking anything you are receiving out of these SDBs once you reach this stage, it is best to stock pile them until you have an active project again. This way, they aren't being wasted on junk you don't need or want.

SDBs can be useful gifts from our neighbours, but they are vastly misunderstood. I hope this little guide helps to increase your knowledge and appreciation for these nifty little helpers.


Finding and adding neighbors is one of the fastest ways to level up in Farmville. You need 50 friends to obtain the Local Celebrity blue ribbon which gives you 10,000 coin and 100xp. However, having plenty of Farmville neighbors has many other advantages as well. The more neighbors you have the more gifts you can receive, the more you will benefit by getting a bonus when they receive awards, and the more opportunities you will have to help your neighbors toward the Good Samartian ribbons. Plus, having friends in the game is just fun!
Unfortunately, adding people you don't know in Facebook also exposes your personal information, your profile, and your status updates. It wouldn't be very difficult for someone to pretend to play the game, get added as your friend, and steal all of your personal information and invade your privacy.
You should strongly consider following my 10 easy steps for protecting your Facebook profile before you add a single person you don't know:
1. From your Facebook main page, click on the "Account" button in the upper right-hand side of the page and select "Edit Friends" in the dropdown box.
2. Select the "+Create" link on the bottom left-hand side of the page below Lists. If you don't see the "+Create" link, click on the "All Connections" link on the upper left-hand side and you will see a link for "Create New List" in the upper-middle area. If neither of these work for you, go here for more directions on how to create a list.
3. You should see a new window. Title your new list, "Farmville friends", "Farmville neighbors" or whatever you want to call it. Select "Create List".
4. After you have created your new list, click on the "Account" button again in the upper right-hand side of the page and select the dropdown for "Privacy Settings".
5. Now you should see the Privacy Settings page. Select "Profile Information".
6. Select the dropdown box for each option and select "Custom".
7. Once you have selected "Custom" you should see a new window. At the bottom it should read, "Hide this from". In the box in this window type the name of the list you created in Step 3 and select the list.
8. Repeat this process for every option on the page EXCEPT "Posts by Me" or your Farmville neighbors will not be able to see your updates when you share your awards, ribbons, lost animals, etc.
9. Once you have customized every option on the Profile Information page, click "Back to Privacy" on the upper left-hand side to return to the Privacy Settings page.
10. Now select the link for "Contact Information" and repeat steps 6-8 for every option on the Contact Information page.
Congratulations, you are finished! Very Important: Whenever you add a new friend for Farmville before you confirm them, select the "Add To List..." dropdown and select the name of your list (chosen in Step 3). You must put them on this list for this to work!
If you want to test and make sure it works, click on the "Preview My Profile..." link on the upper right-hand side of the Privacy Settings>Profile Information or Contact Information pages.
For More FarmVille Secrets please Click Here!

date Thursday, December 9, 2010

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